ကဲအထဲမွာဘာေတြပါလည္းဆိုေတာ့အစံုဘဲ တစ္ခ်ိဳ႔ဆို ပိုက္ပိုက္ေပးရတာေတြေတာင္ပါတယ္
ဒီမွာ အာလာလာကားေပါ့ ...
Playing with the Android emulator on your computer is a pretty geeky
endeavor, but YouWave makes it easy to accomplish on your Windows PC. If
you can download and install a Windows program, you can have an Android
virtual machine running on your desktop in just a few minutes. All
without ever touching the SDK or Sun's JDK. As a bonus, the Window...